Thursday, November 5, 2009

Minutes from previous meetings

Hello fellow feminists and cunts!

For femmestruation week we are holding the next meeting on 10th November, 6.30pm Forest café.

The minutes


Elly has set up a bank account
for us at Lloyds TSB and is still in the process of organizing a funding proposal from the Ladyfest constitution , she will be in touch with Becca about this and needs to propose this project to continue for a year.

. To be organized by Katrin and Anna Lucine and Soraya. Possibly at Tepooka, Katrin will find out. For the beginning of December. Theme is the femmestruation week, involving a few bands and possible poetry reading from some menstrual zines. Charlotte and Rosa are organizing the food, scouts band will be asked to play? Sephi and Zoe are going to do the flyer, for the 6th December,

Money needs to be raised to print the flyers


We are going to hold the comedy and band night at Tepooka, Laura and Anna will organize this. Workshop spaces at the forest cafe, upstairs and crafts room? Out of the blue art space as well for bigger talks?

Film night and spoken word night to be held at ACE. We need to get in touch with them in advance.

Lizzie is getting in touch with the art college in Edinburgh for spaces and support for the permanent exhibition space.

For the permanent exhibition space, the forest is booked up so we need to get in touch with the Bowery, it may be too expensive? We need to hold some workshops there if the exhibition space will be there? The Bongo club is a possibility upstairs but its expensive...

Need to get sorted….

we need to write up a timetable/schedule, Becca is doing this.

Flyers. We need to be set on a permanent logo from Zoe's lino, Laura, Lizzie and Zoe are doing this flyer Deadline next week.

As for acts, we have some new performance artists wanting to get involved, lots of bands but need more publicity!


Minutes. from the last meeting..



zoe has made a blog for us, we need to print out the flyers with our aims included, an image has been made already by Zoe, we need to find venues, and start putting on nights to fund the performers coming up.


Elly and Becca are going to apply to some funding bodies that LADYfest use, we need to write up a constitution for this. Leeds feminist society are willing to think about fundraising for the week. Can we get funding from the university? Scottish Women's Trust?,


Rosa and Charlotte are willing to organize this. food not bombs skipping style

Gig and art

We need people to join this, Chella is helping out with the film night, comedy night, we need an exhibition space for a week long exhibition and for people to get involved in putting up art for this.


Making sure different communities within Edinburgh are invited, its disability and child care friendly


1. Funding, we need to write up a constitution for a funding body. Such funding bodies to be considered.

Collective magazine also lists funding and grants available in Scotland:

Dewar arts award [ ]

Arts trust of Scotland [ ]

Young Scot Action Fund [ ]

2. We were thinking of putting on a benefit night to spread the word and make money for the Kolective. Who would like to help with this?

3. We need to find venues.

The Arts Complex , Saint margrets house 151 London Road Edinburgh [ ]Following information taken from Collective magazine, found for free from Collective gallery, 22-28 Cockburn Street Edinburgh [ ]Artist run initiatives/organisations with exhibition opportunities: Bareface [ ]ECHO [ ]Embassy Gallery [ ]Fools in Print [ ]Moblie picture salon [ ]Modular9 [ ] Out of the Blue [ ] Perennial art [ ] Re make [ ] Sierra metro [ ] Stand By [ ]Totalkunst [ ]

4. Funding? To have this sorted by the first of December. Bank account, food co op and ACE use Lloyds, we need to form a constitution,

5. We need to get in contact with ethical women’s groups for the event to speak. Organise the committees and find more speakers, and those available for talks.

Our ethos

We discussed making the week a child friendly space, and for it to be inclusive for all genders,All ages and stages-if your children, elderly, menopausal, post menopausal women are welcome!

To make the week fun- period positive, with a menstrual comedy workshop, live cartoon art wall...invite cartoonists?. To make a CD for period positive songs! We need more people to get involved in performing for the event.

Anti capitalist... anti tampons, pro moon cup sponsorship? zine stall, small women owned ethical companies...get moon cup people to speak- they price themselves of the market once you buy one

The week

· Vicky newton- phd in Sheffield on the history of menstrual taboos and rituals?

Zoe wants to run a tampon craft making workshop – does anyone have any ideas for where we could get tampons for free?

Anna Lucine wants to run a workshop on menstruation and religion

· Lisa had announced we can use her zine “threads” in the week, and that she could run a workshop on health, to collaborate with Elly?

· Leeds feminist society to be involved?

· Scout to help with zine stall

Feminist library potentially in London?

the queer mutiny collective are thinking of doing some period positive songs,

· Zoe’s friends getting involved (the contact radical group)

· Chella to run her comedy performance on adventures in menstruating

· ... chris bobbl? to be contacted?

· Lecture organised by Bristol post grad Jessica Burton on menstrual history- confirmed, sending in pieces before the week in feb.

· Annalise-poetry workshop

Gil- herabalism and mentruation workshop?

· Andrea Gibson- to put together potentially a video of her thoughts

· Zorras confirmed are playing for us.

-Revulva, a new feminist collective to perform some period positive songs

-laura- to do a performance art piece

-SJ- to do a piece for the permanent exhibition space on menstruation

-joey and scout- to perform for the week.

Art and random ideas...

· Flyers to be handed out, need a permanent tag

· Breaking the silence workshop/ discussion??


· Moon cup art pieces of the waste...

· Publicity- anna contacting ethical companies, moon cup,

· Video zine of the femmestruation week, put on blog...questions on threads...put it together...sound- installation of everyones blood collected

· Photos-laura, - women on their period-restricted access ...

· Street performance-flash mob..performance art?? laura...walking around with red moustaches handing out flyers!...

· Costume and slogan and image that is associated with this event..cats..

· Red paint through the city?

· Anti tampon advertise the event

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